Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fall 2008 Letter to the Campus Community

Here's last year's version:

Come gather 'round people wherever you roam
And admit that the waters around you have grown
And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Bob Dylan – “The Times They Are A Changing”

Dear Bates Students, Faculty, Staff, and Friends,

While these days may not quite echo the spirit of social and political upheaval that characterized Dylan’s ‘60s, there is yet significant change afoot around the globe, in our country, and certainly at Bates. For the Athletic Department as well, there has been much change in the last several months, and most of it has been positive, generating a sense of forward momentum that is propelling us into this new school year.

It seems to have started with our hosting of the NCAA Men’s Tennis Championships last May when the change in the campus atmosphere, at least anywhere in the vicinity of the tennis courts, was palpable and electric. The enthusiasm around the Bates doubles team that gained the national semi-finals along with the shared sense of pride and accomplishment in the college so successfully hosting this national event, lingered through the summer. That was followed closely by the completion of a construction project that dramatically changed the surface and lighting of Merrill Gymnasium, incredibly improving that facility. Add to that the impending upgrades planned for the cardio machines in Merrill and the fitness equipment in Underhill and that momentum picks up more speed. Lastly, we have experienced significant changes in Athletic department personnel, nine staff who are either new or taking on new roles. While we lost some great folks who made significant contributions to Bates, the changes have resulted in new coaches and staff who bring fresh energy, improved diversity, different perspectives and a re-focused sense of purpose, all heightening the feeling of positive momentum.

However, the one thing that hasn’t changed is the spirit and drive of the young women and men who comprise the 500+ student-athletes who will compete in 30 intercollegiate sports throughout the coming year. Certainly they seek to distinguish themselves in their academic pursuits, but they also strive for excellence in their chosen sport(s). Those two desires are not mutually exclusive, but rather, reinforce each other in the crucible of athletic competition that forges qualities of courage, endurance, self-discipline and mental toughness. Those qualities and experiences combined with the rigor and richness of the Bates academic journey help fashion transformed individuals who are thoroughly prepared for these “times that are a changing”.

In addition to those elements of personal growth and achievement realized by our student-athletes, the other

most significant encouragement for them is the knowledge that the campus community recognizes and values the efforts they undertake, the sacrifices they make and the goals that they set for themselves. Your attendance at their contests provides that validation. I ask that you try to make as many of the events as possible that are detailed in the attached Fall sports schedule card. For the contests you can’t make, check the updates and details on our web site:

Regarding our home contests, there will be some changes here as well, reflecting higher expectations about how we conduct our programs and how we conduct ourselves. Just as with our hosting of the Tennis Nationals, we aspire to stage all our events in the most professional and exemplary fashion. To this end, we will be implementing the attached Spectator Code of Conduct for all Bates athletic events and look forward to appropriate behavior and Bates fans who are loud and proud, but positive!

Thank you and remember that while Dylan sang about “The times they are a changing” he is also quoted as saying, “There is nothing so stable as change.” Have a great year and Go Bobcats!

Kevin McHugh

Director of Athletics and Chair of Physical Education

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